How To Add Threads to Instagram Bio : 4 Step Solution

Let’s learn how to add threads to instagram Bio. Thread is new app developed by Meta. Instagram is a popular social media platform that allows users to share photos, videos, and connect with friends and followers. One of the features that Instagram offers is the ability to add external links to your bio.

Follow these steps for “How to add threads to instagram bio”

Step 1: Install the Threads app

Start by downloading and installing the Threads app from the App Store (for iOS users) or Google Play Store (for Android users). Once the installation is complete, open the app.

Step 2: Connect Threads to your Instagram account

Upon opening the Threads app, you will be prompted to log in to your Instagram account. Enter your Instagram credentials and allow Threads to access your account.

Step 3: Customize your Threads account

After connecting Threads to your Instagram account, you can customize your Threads account by adding a profile picture, bio description, and other relevant information. Make sure to create a profile that accurately represents your brand or online presence.

Step 4: Add Threads account to your Instagram bio

To add your Threads account to your Instagram bio, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.
  2. Tap on the “Edit Profile” button.
  3. In the “Website” field, enter the link to your Threads account.
  4. Save the changes, and your Threads account link will now be visible in your Instagram bio.


Adding your Threads account to your Instagram bio can significantly enhance your online presence and audience engagement. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can easily integrate Threads into your Instagram profile and connect with your followers on a deeper level.


Is Threads available for both iOS and Android users?

Yes, Threads is available for both iOS and Android users. You can download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store.

Is Threads a separate account from Instagram?

Yes, Threads is a standalone app, but it is closely integrated with Instagram. You can log in to Threads using your Instagram credentials and connect with your existing Instagram followers.

Can I promote my business or website through Threads?

While Threads is primarily designed for personal communication, you can leverage it to promote your business or website by sharing exclusive content and engaging with your audience on a more personal level.

You can also find these useful : How to Unhide Threads Badge on Instagram

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